May 1, 2012

Baby Fetus Gender Day

Again...remember, if you work at my office, please do not share this...I'm waiting to see how big I get before the bossman (or anyone else for the matter) notices. 

I found this Lucky shirt for $5.00
I thought the message on my ever growing belly was fitting.

Time for you to guess...

Today is "Baby Fetus Gender Day" as Hannah so eloquently said.

Yup, we find out today...I'm exactly 16 weeks. 

*Note, this picture was actually taken around 10-12 weeks...I think. (I'm quite a bit larger now) with the iPhone
**Note, We had a Groupon to go bowling at Weber State and as usual, it was about to expire. Came with 2 games, shoe rentals and cheese nachos..w/out the nachos as their machine was broken.

I can't even tell you how much money we are not saving by buying these awesome deals on Groupon.  But we still buy them. 
I'm way behind on my blogging.

