People have been buggin us to get our blog updated. So here we go. Nothing too exciting has been happening. . .
We are both 1 year older than we used to be. Derek is getting old, very old. People seem to think that I am getting younger for some reason, for some reason I still look like a 17 year old. Maybe it's because I have birthday cakes like.....
THE AVATAR. . . Dun dun dun.
Isn't it cool Caleb (Little Caleb)??
My mom, Hannah and I used our old cake baking and decor skills. Pretty cool huh? (I know you like it Hunter)
We also went to the Zoo last week with Hannah and my dad. It was a very nice day. I think Derek still wants to be a zoo keeper deep down. . .
Work Situations-
Derek works on Main Street in an historic First National Bank building. It's a pretty awesome building, he works on the top level, him and Chuck (his boss) doing websites. He gets to see all sorts of accidents.
I work in Downtown Salt Lake. We are currently working on some upscale condos (96 units) there called the Broadway Tower. Here's the website They are going to be AWESOME.
Derek and I recently got Library cards and have been reading lotS. I listen too books on tape to work, helps with the long commute of traffic. We've also been running. . .slightly. Kona is getting fat.
Easter was way fun. We had our annual scavenger easter egg hunt, which can get viscious. My cousin's husband Cory, tries to take out people, while I counter-attack with dumping out his basket. Sadly, Cory still beat us.
We also took on the Walker tradition of "Rolling Eggs" Which I think everyone enjoyed. Basically you roll your egg down a hill and whose ever egg doesn't crack wins. The only steep hill we could find was grams gutter. Cory won that also. His toddler twins loved it, but their eggs didn't last too long they kind of cracked every egg they touched, they loved watching the bright colored eggs roll down the gutter though. We also took those eggs and threw them into grams garden seeing who could throw over the ginormous pine tree gram has.
I keep forgetting that we have recently become awesome tile people. I'll have to get some photos and show you guys our tile jobs at my mom's house.
I think I've written enough for now. TTFN!!
Never though I would see the day. A new blog. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteCaleb loves your cake. He would like you to make him one too! Next time you come to visit, you'd better bring frosting.
ReplyDeleteThat is the coolest looking cake EVER! We love Avatar, thanks for introducing us to it!