Sep 24, 2014

Portland Coast // Day 2 // Drift Creek Falls Trail // Mile Marker 119.2

We had planned to do a few different hikes, problem was, I somehow misplaced our other baby carrier at home, along with the husband's chacos.  This hike was only 1.5 miles, but I knew without a carrier for Aiko, things were going to be "special." This photo was taken at the beginning when we were all smiling away.  So excited for our second day!

One does not realize how short a mile and half is without two chubby babies.

At one point, I was carrying both Aiko and Orion in my beloved Moby wrap.  Problem was, I did not know how to properly tie the moby about with two children.  So, really, it wasn't that bad to carry them both, they kind of evened each other out, but Aiko started slipping out, so that made it somewhat tough.

We thought it was super fun though.  Aiko thought it was hilarious to be able to see her dad.

The forest was eerily quiet.  No bird was heard the entire time.  We saw no wildlife.

There weren't even mosquitoes, not that I'm complaining, but I felt like I was being watched by vampires the whole time.

See the two baby heads?

It was breathtaking. 

At one point, I had to feed Orion...which, my outfit of choice was a dress and a slight mistake.  Good thing there weren't many other hikers, because we plopped right down on the trail and fed that chubby boy.

The suspension bridge was so lovely.  Ever since we went to Canada with my dad to this suspension bridge I've had a slight obsession with them.  They are a phenomenon to me.   This one was 240 feet long while overlooking a 75 foot waterfall.

Remember how I told you that Aiko has no fear of heights?  I don't think she has any fear at all.

We found this epic photo spot right after you cross the bridge.  Luckily, I brought the remote for the camera.  I had tried to convince the husband to let me bring the tripod, but luckily, he convinced me not too.

Out of like 50 photos, we finally got a decent one. Although, I'm sure many would disagree, since my hair is quite unruly.

While climbing trees in a dress is not recommended, it definitely helps to find a new view.

Like this.  Such tiny little people. 

I'm not going to lie.  I love big hair.

The husband had been carrying Aiko most of the hike, while it wasn't a long walk, it made for a really long walk.  Luckily, we had brought a backpack, that Aiko fit ever so nicely in...for a while.

In the end, we finally made it, taking turns and singing some songs.

Both babies were so tired, we were all so tired, but looking at these photos, I'd totally do it all over again. 

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