Mar 12, 2014

DIY Swaddler Lego Blanket

These last few weeks I've been either insanely productive, or insanely lazy and tired.  It's been crazy weather, which, I attribute to my pregnant self.  This last week, my sister Hannah and I got crafty.  I'm super picky about everything apparently, which is even worse when it comes to my kids style.  I feel that everything should be unique which usually means should be handmade.  Hence, we decided to make our own swaddling cloths for the little man.  Which, it takes me forever to try and research something that is quirky enough for me.  Luckily, I'm super good at copying people's Pinterest ideas, but I apply them other ways. 

At Joann's, you can buy muslin for $5.99 per yard.  Combine that with your 40% coupon and you have an awesome blanket.  We had to break into our brand new lego box that I got on Black Friday.  Take some Fabric Paint, dip your legos and stamp.  It was that easy and that awesome looking.  You do have to sew the raw edges...but that's what you have moms for right?  (Because, this mama, DOESN'T/CAN'T SEW)

 I have what you would call a "Lego Nazi Husband."  (click to read previous posts) He has some serious rules about the usage of legos and I'm afraid I had to ruin some for little brother.  I really was concerned...but there was nothing I could do about it in the end. The fabric paint sticks too well and little Legos have little places that paint crawls in to.

But really, isn't it awesome looking?  Be careful when stamping to have something under it, as the paint soaks through the cloth. 


Here's one last shot with the 36 week belly. 
Idea stemmed from this

A few notes about stamping with Legos. 
1.  Who will probably not want to clean the legos afters.  The fabric paint does not come off easily. 
2. Make sure to place something under the cloth while stamping so it does not soak through.
3. I took two pieces of cardboard and squirted the paint on one side.  Then, I rubbed them together so it was flatten the paint and therefore make it easier to get an even stamp.
4. I really don't sew well, even on easy projects, but take the edges of the blanket and roll once under and then sew.  See, it sounds easy, but I never find it is.  Hence, why I have my mom do it.  
5.  I was able to use each stamp about 3 times before it was too light to see on the fabric.  
6.  You'll have to clean on the lego (as best you can) when you start getting fuzzy lines.  You'll know when this happens.  I found it was easiest to scrape off with a tough piece of cardboard.  

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