Jan 27, 2014

Piano happy and cardinal sin

This baby and I have something super exciting to share!  Well, at least we are excited!  Furniture will need to be rearranged, noise will be made, and happy times to come!


After months of looking we have finally found her.  I found her on KSL from a sweet elderly couple.  When I told her I wanted to buy it, she took a gasp and said "I need to sell it, but it's kind of bittersweet."  Nicest person I've ever bargained with.  

Aiko was pretty excited when she heard me playing.  She knows when something is new in the house.  She stands on her tip toes and then plays the keys.  It's adorable.

Granted, she needs some good work done to the wood.  That's mainly why I bought her.  But I was exceptionally please with the sound and the fact that the keys weren't chipped.  


I have big plans for this piano...oh, and it has a bench!  

Aiko and I...we have big, big plans.  

I plan on painting her.  

I realize this is a cardinal sin, but if I was going to refinish it anyway, I might as well do it the way I have always wanted.   Growing up, there was this music store we'd go to as kids and they had a giant HOT PINK grand piano!  Hot Pink!  I tell you, it was ugly, but I knew one day with the right color...I too would paint a piano. 

So here are our choices I've been debating so far.  I know, bold and crazy.  I just don't know....I'll make up my mind soon.  Any advice?  Other than...don't paint it?

I'm almost feeling the "Be Spontaneous" is speaking to me.  

Of course I looked at Pinterest...found this sweet pin here.


  1. So exciting...and I'm pumped about the color..it makes me happy, do it!

  2. I love it! I've been wanting to paint my piano soooo bad. You'll have to fill me in on how hard it is to take it all apart and get it done. I like the "Be Spontaneous" on the best too...SUPER cute! But any of them would be awesome.
