Jan 28, 2014


Now that I've been feeling oh so much better, we've been able to eat healthy food again.  So we've been doing Bountiful Baskets.  I always forget how awesome it is.  My only dislike is that pick-up is Saturday at 7 AM.  Which, yes, I am that lazy.  It's also a plus because then I can once again think about a budget for groceries.  

We've had SOOO many oranges though.  I can eat a few here and there, but it was getting overwhelming.  So I pulled out my hand juicer and made us some fresh orange juice. 

It was excellent. 

I've also been craving some delicious chocolate chips.  But, sadly, I don't have any chocolate chips in the house for this reason.  So I found this super easy clean cookie recipe on Pinterest here

But of course, in the usual Harmony fashion, i didn't even have all the ingredients for this either.  I had just used up all my coconut flakes in a dessert fluke and honestly, I'm kind of sick of coconut. It's in everything now.  So instead, I took out the coconut and the chocolate chips.  Instead, I made them into Cinnamon Raisin cookies. 

Original Ingredients:
3 bananas
1 cup oats
2 tbsp flax seed
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

In a medium sized bowl, mash 3 bananas then add the rest of the ingredients listed above. Mix well. Cover an 8x8 baking pan with tin foil. Spray with coconut non-stick spray. Place dough on baking pan, then flatten out dough with a spatula to ensure a flat level of dough. Preheat oven to 350. Bake for 15 minutes. You may need to cook for 17 minutes depending on oven, but check at 15 minute mark.

Recipe here

Harmony's Ingredients:
3 bananas
1 cup oats
2 tbsp flax seed
1 cup of raisins (let's face it.  I didn't even measure these.)
2 tsp of cinnamon  (or these)

I know, they look like poop.  Nonetheless, Aiko and I really liked them and they had all good ingredients!  The husband asked if they were good, they are good, if you think of them in a vegan cookie way. 

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