Apr 14, 2013

diy curtains. no sewing, some assembly required.

so i blogged a while ago about these curtains here.
16 loooong feet of windows.  which i love and hated the thought of covering them up.  but, alas, they let out WAY too much heat.  so we had to come up with something.  i scoured Pinterest while the husband scoured other websites trying to find curtains that kept the heat out and were usually very expensive (and SUPER ugly.)  time was running out...we'd already been to ikea twice with no curtains.  

we fought even (which rarely happens) because i didn't like any of the options and he didn't like any of my suggestions. 

finally, i came up with my own version of all these pins. (here, herehere, and here)

so here's my list.

home depot's - Allied Tube & Conduit 3/4 in. x 10 ft. Electric Metallic Tube Conduit (2) $3.87 
(we used this downstairs too on our other curtains, but they are from Ikea's clearance section and kind of ugly but the husband was just dying to keep the heat in. otherwise, i'd take a picture but it's not my favorite...one day.)
*you will need a connector.  it's like a dollar.

ikea's - Ikea's Betydlig (5) $1.49  (don't forget screws to attach them to the wall like we did.  luckily, i keep a giant jar of misc. pieces just for this instance)

home depot's  - Sigman 5 ft. 9 in. x 8 ft. 9 in., 8 oz. Canvas Drop Cloth (5) $11.87 (i knew if i had to sew something it would never get done.  the pin i saw said these already had finished edges!  also, you will need to iron (yuck) these bad boys.  double check to make sure it's all the same material as well.  luckily, i actually bought 7 of them and two were different material than the rest.  oh, and i'm pretty sure these were under $10 when i bought mine.) Similar Amazon Canvas Drop Cloth

home Depot's - Levolor 1-1/4 in. Brushed Sienna Clip Rings (5) $7.97 (which this is the cheapest i could find them and they are still expensive)

if you buy over $45 at home depot online they ship for FREE! so of course...that's what i did. (not the conduit though, it's only pick-up)

so...what do you think? 

 apparently, when i measured the height i completely forgot what i measured so the canvas drops i bought ended up being too long.  so what do i do?  fold them over!  


makes for a nice ruffle look!

you'll notice the the galvanized metal doesn't match, well, seeing how it was the middle of the winter, i couldn't just go and spray paint them in the freezing weather.  now, i wished i would have just bought silver curtain clips so i wouldn't have to spray paint them (if i ever do.)  oh well, it's another project for another time. 

ha, i just realized that i change what's in the window sills all the time...i love my thrifted junk you know. 

i'm still looking for options for the end of the rod...any suggestions?

so, our running total was around $110
which, my friends, is probably the cheapest, non-sewing option out there for a 16 foot window. (if there is another i don't want to know.)

a little side story...so originally i was going to do this drawing all over the bottom half of the curtains...but as sometimes happens, it completely backfired.  my drawing skills are very rusty and i'm embarrassed to even post of picture of the mishap.  tee-hee...sometime though, i may add some pom-poms as shown in this pin.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Glad to see you finally got coverings for your windows. Been showing everyone at work.
