Oct 18, 2016

House Made of WallPaper

Many people have asked "how things are coming along." Basically, not. It's crazy that some silly paper can come between you and finishing anything. It's okay though.

We've hit a new low. When we steam the wall and a REALLY big piece comes off (you know, like a 10" square piece) and everyone gets excited. We're living in BIG times friends.

We are almost done with the first room we started though. So there's that.

I realize these are all silly first world problems. I'm very excited for our new old house. 

We have yet to move into the House Made of WallPaper though...I haven't taken photos of the basement, but I'll add some soon. The plan was to move into the basement and live there while remodeling, but it's kind of depressing and dark. So I'm hoping to keep us here as long as the husband will let us. Which means sometime this week we'll probably move. Maybe.

Our current house was under contract but that fell through. I'm not really sad though, because these people basically wanted us to bring the moon to them. So spread the word, buy our house!

Aiko's birthday is this week. People always say "I can't believe..." but I can. I don't really get sad about the kids getting older. I think it's super exciting that she's getting older.

She also wants Pink Birthday, whatever that may be.

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