Jun 20, 2011
Jun 16, 2011
Green Smoothie Kitchen
I've been reading a lot of whole foods/natural/raw cooking books.
Which results in many new recipes and suffering for my family.
I had gone to class by The Green Smoothie Girl
Robyn is a sassy, slim lady trying to spread the word about her smoothies.
After we got our free t-shirt from class, I was sold.
so of COURSE i'm going to try out her book, buy an expensive blender and make everyone suffer by eating green smoothies.
And make poopy messes with my blender.
For some reason, i don't think the Comet is such a good thing to have in the open next to all my food...but apparently it was a sign that something was going to happen.
Jun 14, 2011
Turkey day came early.
Alright, we may be slightly obsessed with the turkeys...
that's because they are awesome.
I can't believe we eat them and I've never seen one in real life before.
Jun 13, 2011
Nature Center.
I had no idea we had one...and then I found out we had another one?!
If only I had known, I totally would have entered the birdhouse competition...
and I would have entered one that someone else made.
i love the little stand here. I really hope there is a bird that lives in it.
They have turkeys that just walk around...it's crazy to hear them poof themselves up.
Jun 12, 2011
Crochet Away
Granny Harmony here.
Making this blanket...
I need to use up all my yarn so I can buy NEW yarn...
Also, have you been to Raverly.com?
Jun 1, 2011
The latest in our life, as by the Han.
My older sister, Harmony (the short, spunky, sassy one) has gone a bit weirdy lately with her food choices. I don't remember the last time I went home and we had normal food. This weekend:
And the reason I love my family? After sitting outside and talking for a while, Harmony did make us weird smoothies (which I fed to Kona), I helped her reupholster her couch, and then we watched Swamp People all together! Swamp People has become a recent obsession which I will explain in further detail at a later date.
The rest of the weekend was spent helping out in the yard and garden at G-Ma Oka's where I skillfully pruned her bonsai trees into practically perfect spheres. I wielded that electric pruner with great talent. Unfortunately, Grandma is getting up there in years and is no longer able to come outside. Such a shame that she was not there to kibitz that I missed a spot here or there like tradition holds. Or to tell me how lucky I am to have the miracle of electricity, because years ago she did this by hand with naught but some hand sheers.
And what about Kona, you ask? What did one of the most featured characters on this blog do with her weekend? The usual: laid around, went with us everywhere and watched us work.

Me: Why have you gone weird? And how long is it going to last? I'm sick of waffles made with flax seed.
Harmony: With a name like Harmony it was going to happen sooner or later. Deal with it.
Me: Ugh.
Me: Do we have any Otter Pops?
Harmony: No, do you want a spinach smoothie? It has fruit in it.
Me: Fruit and spinach? No thanks, I would like an Otter Pop.
Harmony: Let me make you a smoothie.
Derek: We have some Otter Pops in the freezer.
Me: Hurray!
Harmony: No! Let me make you a smoothie.
Me: Noooo. Harm, Otter Pops are delicious, they make the world go 'round.
Harmony: Yeah, round.
...delayed response...
Me: HA! That WAS funny! Very clever, good one.
Harmony: I know, I know. So let me make you a spinach smoothie.
Me: Nope, got an Otter Pop, I'm gonna go eat it with Kona.Little sister, Hali (the long-haired exotic-looking one), was also home this weekend. I wanted to watch Swamp People (a story for another day), Harmony wanted to reupholster a couch, Derek wanted to do...something (probably a nerdy computer game), and Hali...well...
Hali: Coooooome outside and sit with me!
Harmony: How 'bout we do my couch!
Derek: Neither of those sound fun.
Hali: Buuuuuut it's nice outside. Anana, come outside with me.
Me: Meh...I want to cuddle with The Kona and watch Swamp People.
...a few minutes passed, Hali disappeared and the rest of us went about what we were previously doing.
Harmony: Where is Hali?
Me: I dunno...
...I went to the front room and looked out the window...Hahaha. Of course, we laughed and took photos before joining her, it was just so cute and precious...gotta love the baby of the family. She was sooooo happy and wanted nothing more than to use her new hammock. Coincidentally, she was reading one of the crazy food books that Harmony has been reading.
And the reason I love my family? After sitting outside and talking for a while, Harmony did make us weird smoothies (which I fed to Kona), I helped her reupholster her couch, and then we watched Swamp People all together! Swamp People has become a recent obsession which I will explain in further detail at a later date.
The rest of the weekend was spent helping out in the yard and garden at G-Ma Oka's where I skillfully pruned her bonsai trees into practically perfect spheres. I wielded that electric pruner with great talent. Unfortunately, Grandma is getting up there in years and is no longer able to come outside. Such a shame that she was not there to kibitz that I missed a spot here or there like tradition holds. Or to tell me how lucky I am to have the miracle of electricity, because years ago she did this by hand with naught but some hand sheers.
And what about Kona, you ask? What did one of the most featured characters on this blog do with her weekend? The usual: laid around, went with us everywhere and watched us work.
Posted by
harmony marie
10:11 AM
1 peeeeeeople say
Hot Husband,
The Kona

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