Jan 14, 2021

My favorite day in Fall.

I've been fighting a sore throat for a while now...but yesterday was the day I lost. I didn't really plan or commit to anything like I usually do on a Saturday.

The husband spent the morning hanging out with the kids and watching TV. I tried to be present and sit on the couch watching everyone.

Eventually, my sister got me to go to the gym. (I believe that sweating out a sickness is very helpful.) Then after that, we decided to go shooting with my siblings. We try to do this after Halloween, so everyone can shoot at my favorite pumpkins. The husband got out all his guns and we packed everyone up.

We stopped at Rainbow Gardens for some Mormon Muffins. It's been a while, but the kids ALWAYS ask whenever we head to the Dinosaur Park.

The kids fell asleep and we drove up to Avon to go shooting. Normally, I don't let the kids bring their blankets or stuffed animals, but I was feeling extra not caring that day and it's a good thing we let them. It was COLD up in Avon. The wind was blowing and I didn't really want to go outside.

You could tell the men and hannah were very excited. Everyone set out the pumpkins and targets and just started shooting! I mainly stayed inside the car with the babies, but it was fun to watch everyone having fun. Aiko and Orion decided to hang outside for a while. They sat and froze on a blanket bundled up and loved it. Eventually, they made their way to Hali's car to hang out with the windw down.

You could tell the everyone was secretly having so much fun they couldn't handle it. Smiles/smirks boys and their toys.

I mainly hung out in the car with the babies, which was fine with me. We had an excellent view and Vesper kept busy with a broken bracelet.

After an hour or so, we packed everyone up and headed home. We took the Divide Pass for a change in scenery. The husband wanted to stop at his favorite Store, BDO. We took turns shopping and finally headed home. We decided to grill hot dogs and ate outside. It was beautiful. The colors and all the leaves.

After that, we decided to clean up all the leaves. Derek mulched the leaves while I tried to put some leaves in a pile. Why haven't we ever mulched before? Do you know how many times I've been to the dump while pregnant with SO MANY LEAVES?! Mulching is magic.

There's been a woman for a while who has been bringing her daughter to play on our swing. I really don't mind, it's just funny, because I've seen them come multiple times. The only good trees we have for swinging are on the front yard, so I kind of expected someone to swing.

We finally met. Here little girl is 3 and the mom spent a good hour pushing her daughter and MY kids on the swing. The first thing Orion asked this morning was if he could play with her again.

It was the perfect day. No meltdowns, no schedule, it was the perfect day.

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