Nov 22, 2014

Portland Coast // Day 4 // Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park // Crescent City //

As we had been driving down the coast, the trees definetly, started getting bigger and bigger and bigger. 

We drove all around this park and were just jaw dropping the whole time.  We didn't even know at the time that this is just one of the many Redwood parks on the coast. 

I wish there was a way to really show how majestic they were.

I felt kind of bad.  The dirt there was completely filthy.  It covered all the ferns there.  It would just settle there on the green.  We literally, never saw any animals or birds.  It was eerily quiet.

I know you were wanting to see our sweet ride, but I just wanted to show just how small we felt. 

We had to stop and crawl into this tree of course.  Well, not really crawl, we walked into it.

This tree was completely hollow inside and you could see right out into the sky at the top.

In the middle of the park there was a campground area.  So we got out and did a little bit of hiking/strolling.

Thank goodness we stopped and bought another baby carrier.  It would have made our lives a little miserable...we did not want to repeat our last hike.

Aiko was also insisting that she needed to carry her blanket on our hike.   She's ridiculous like that.  Plus, her dad taught her how to wear it like a scarf and just waddles around.  (I know, my Moby isn't tied super well, little brother is a pro and wriggling out of it. It's a complete life saver.)

Brother was having a slight obsession about his hands the whole trip. 

When my husband thinks it's a idea to climb this fallen log, in his super slippery shoes (because I forgot to pack his Chacos.) then, decides it's a bad idea.  Good choice husband, good choice. 

Little random side note here.  I really wanted an Ergo Baby carrier. (Yes, they are so expensive, but no one every has anything bad to say about them.)  I couldn't find our second baby carrier, which, I later found on the other side of my washer at home, but it wasn't very good anyway.  I was checking all around on Craigslist while in Oregon, but no one was ever close to us.  None of the little coastal stores would carry them, so we ended up buying this carrier from a Walmart (which again, there aren't very many on the coast.)  It actually wasn't a bad carrier.  It wasn't no Ergo, but it worked way better than we expected.

I hear the camping here is pretty amazing.  Don't miss this not so little Redwood park in Crescent City!

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