Sep 18, 2014

Eat Local Challenge

Last month, I signed up for the Eat Local Challenge.  It's ran by a local gal (here) who puts together a little co-op of local foods.  It was more expensive than my usual Bountiful Baskets, but I wanted to support the locals and it included more than fruits and veggies.

We got organic rhubarb jam (which I finished off in spoonfuls), coffee (which, while we don't drink, I do enjoy the smell!) raw cookies, some vegan sauces, veggies and Beehive cheese.  I was a little wary of the giant green tomato, but surprisingly, it was very sweet and delicious!

I can't tell you the last time I bought meat, especially ground beef, I was super excited to get this beef.  Organic and grass fed meat is too expensive to buy, so I usually just don't buy any meat (don't worry, the husband gets his fill elsewhere.)

I also don't drink milk (super lactose intolerant) the husband sure does. 

My pictures aren't super yummy looking and it looks more brown (because of that green tomato) than red, nonetheless, it was pretty dang good.

This was the day we decided to drive to Iowa, but then ended up turning around.  I wasn't expecting to be home or in the state anymore, so I told the husband to take some to the neighbors.  As in my usual, chaotic fashion, I threw it all into the crock pot before we left.  Since I had that fancy beef, I decided we should have it in the sauce.  We cooked up some noodles and bought some french bread.  I sprinkled the Beehive cheese on the bread and grated the rest for the pasta.  It's a good thing I made a TON.  We had enough for the neighbors and we had enough for those of us who drove the Wyoming and back. 

I do love the local grub.  We were out of town two weeks out of the month that we signed up, so I wasn't able to document the way I wanted, but it was fun to try something a little different.  

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