May 7, 2014

While waiting for little brother make his debut. . .

I sat.  I sat a lot.  Probably more than I care to really share.  But at least I was productive this time.  I didn't really want Aiko to be eating a ton of sweets, so I thought I'd make her something instead.  I found this adorable bunny pattern (that I bought here) and set to work. It was super easy!  So, I made a few, plus little brother needed one.  (I actually stitched Orion's name on the back of his...before he was born, basically setting in stone that his name would be Orion. Luckily, we used that name.)

I'm afraid that these are the cutest/coolest/Asian style Easter eggs I have ever seen.  I went to a few different Target stores to find them.  Yes, there was a pack of like 30 for the same price, but do you see the ears?  The faces? It was a match made in Asian heaven I tell you.  Plus, I mean, they totally matched my bunnies above and below. 

Yes, these are adorable.  Yes, I purchased a pattern here.  Yes, I'm still in love with them.  Yes, I tried to put Orion in his to take a picture, but he was too big and only 4 days old. 

Sigh, these really are one of my favorite thing I've crocheted.

Aiko actually played with her bunny before Easter even came around, I mean, I was ready for Easter like a month in advance.  But they sat as a lovely April decoration nonetheless.


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