May 9, 2014

Weber Basin Water Garden and a whole lot of Color!

You may be thinking "How thrilling can the Weber Basin Water District Building be?"  Oh, dear friends, it is oh, so exciting.  

I drive by this building quite frequently and can you imagine my surprise to see all this lovely color? 

Being my sporadic self, which I'll admit, has been somewhat lacking, I called my friend and said meet me in 40 minutes!  Somehow we made it there.  Two babies is makes me have to think more.  Like, have you fed both your children yet?  Did you bring diapers in two different sizes?  Does Aiko have pants on?  Have you eaten today Mama?  It's crazy how much more I have to think, and I only have two children...what do people with more than two do?


Anyways, we toured the whole area.  They actually provide all sorts of classes there.

Remember when the husband and I went to Thanksgiving Point to see the Tulip Festival?  Well, I almost think this was better than  Thanksgiving Point.  It was free, no one was there, it was lovely and just long enough for the kids not to freak out.  I saw a lot of unhappy children at Thanksgiving Point...and husbands. 

It was also nice to see some plants that I plan on purchasing and planting in my own yard. 


They have all sorts of different landscaping to show you what you could do with your own yard.

I'd forgotten how much I love tulips.  When I was in high school/jr high I used to rip out tulip pictures out of Martha Stewarts magazines and then try drawing them watercolor, pastels, pencils.  Yeah, back in the day when I took tons of art classes.  I was particularly fond of the super deep purple tulips. 

Lovely things. 


This orange one has to be one of my favorites.

My fellow flower loving companions.  

These tulips were huge...huge huge. 

If you have an hour go and visit quick!  
Before tulip season is over! 


  1. We are so glad you enjoyed the garden so much! You're pictures are absolutely beautiful. We are always making additions and changes to the garden and it never looks the same twice. In fact we are thinking about adding more bulbs this fall so there is more color to love in the spring! Thanks for visiting the garden and the generous review, come back and visit soon!

  2. We love that you came and enjoyed our Learning Garden and shared these amazing photos!
