Aug 22, 2013

disneyland or land of d.

"i'm not that excited about disneyland." says the husband (i'm appalled.) 
he continues "we've been there a lot, lately."

who is he kidding?  pure joy people, pure joy.

so, we all planned for a disneyland day with the cousins.  yes, we are all adults.  it's in our blood.  our parents went to california every year as kids to visit family and to go to disneyland.  besides that, how can you hate it?  

it. is. magical.

even more so, when the grandbabies hangout with the grandparents and parents are free to run around wild. 

the husband is deemed the fast-pass-guy.  he walks fast to get the fast pass, plus he just walks so fast anyway, that he generally ditches me, so we gave him a purpose.

we love the cameras.

we love that we can take pictures of the pictures for free.

we basically know all the key moments to get great pictures.  (oh, that guy who looks grumpy?  don't worry, he really is so happy he can't stand it.)

except for this one.  i'm still a little upset, there was a couple behind us...i think they were doing something inappropriate. 

this is me a normal height.....then me hoisting myself for the picture 

the enthusiasm is ever lasting.

you know the jungle cruise?  that has the lame jokes?  well, brother jan, laughed at everyone...for a while.

i love looking at everything, it never gets old.

how we love you disneyland.

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