Jun 25, 2013

south ogden parade

i love parades.  i love parades even more when they throw candy.  lots of it.  south ogden parades are probably one of the few that i know of that still throw candy, GOOD CANDY. while i don't even really eat it, it's just nostalgic.

auntie mitsie and grams used to take all the grandkids to the parades.  we all had a grocery bag that came empty and was completely full by the time we left.

so naturally, i felt that aiko needed to experience this. 

it's kind of sad how no one has floats anymore.  but these boy scout definitely worked hard! their's was by far THE best.

i'm slightly jealous that we couldn't ride it. 

while, i was slightly creeped out, this haunted house made the parade much more interesting. i feel like all the "floats" are just fancy jacked up cars with nothing cool.  this hearse, is awesome.

the BHS mini cheer team.

i'm not even sure why we have a coast guard, but always good to find something new. 

this was a new thing for me...but why not?  don't we all LOVE the garbage man?!

this, well, I don't really have any words for it.  but i find it interesting that they have this "bodyguard" with her.

for some reason, if you have an adorable baby out, people will throw lots of candy, toilet paper, stuffed animals, freesbies and otter pops to you.  because, my baby is going to eat/use all of that.

here, my friends are the reasons i come to parades.  black licorice and orange cream flavored taffy and, oh the tootsie rolls.  

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