Apr 18, 2013

how to make a quick pillow

so this tote has been going around my house forever. if you are like me...you are a bag lady.  i have a lot of bags and i just can't help myself.  

i've been meaning to make a pillow out of it. 

and so i did.

i bought my insert from ikea and stuffed the tote!

also, i RIPPED THAT TAG off this ikea pillow!

i was showing my friend holli (who sewed that super cute baby quilt) my quick and dirty idea...we decided we should tack the edges down...so holli did with her sewing machine and mad skills

i really like it.  the snap was left in, just in case i decide to actually wash it.
looks nice huh?  with my nice and thrifted chair.
literally people, less that 5 minutes.

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