Apr 13, 2013

baby room part 1 (who knows if it will ever end)

here's a little peak of baby girls room.

this beautiful crib was given to us by a sweet lady named sherri.  i don't even know her last name.  she didn't even know me before she offered the crib.  we are so lucky she did. 

thanks sherri!

apparently, sheets are really easy to make, if you like to sew. since i don't...i enlisted grandma. i had bought some material from ikea, because of course, i couldn't just have the same sheets as every other mama.  also, i have a thing for veggies and fruits.  gotta start this baby young. 

we followed this tutorial from pinterest

the snorlax i bought from etsy (for all you pokemon lovers out there.  i love them.)  the little elephant is from my cousin! the pillow i crocheted and reused an old table cloth from the husband's mom.  i did actually sew these two together, but had my mom sew the back onto the pillow.  her night light is actually my christmas tree star.

these my friends...are my favoritest (word) things in the whole world.  
i finished these when she was around four months old.  see, i have this problem where i can't decide because there are so many wonderful options running in my head that i ultimately become stagnant.  you should have seen me picking out material...let's just say, it was miserable. i have some issues.  i'm working on them.

i also really enjoy free hand stitching. a lot.

this was a flower pattern i based from something i saw on pinterest here

i saw a similar pattern on instagram from this blog...but i couldn't find the photos

this from pinterest

these constellations are inspired by this duvet on pinterest

this pattern was inspired by a quilt my friend holli made for aiko...i'll show you that later.

these clouds from here

my mom sewed the bumpers, i never could have or would have done it without her!  we followed this pattern seen on pinterest of course.  but apparently, i didn't measure my crib...so they fit a little funny (hence why there isn't a finished picture and probably will never be.) 

always measure before completely finishing your project people.

this was yet another sewing job by my mom.  she sewed the pom-poms and i fandagled it to the crib.   (which they'll probably only be chopped off.)  the burlap wasn't probably the best idea in the world, since it sheds like crazy, but i really like the way it looks. 

well there you have it...there are some of my items we made for the little babe.  until the next post


  1. Super cute! I think my favorite is the crib skirt. Love the raw edge!

  2. I love the Snorlax plushie SO much! The seller is currently on hiatus :(
