Mar 19, 2013

second first visit

after a good night sleep, she was a much happier baby!

although...she did wake up a couple times during the night (which never happens at home.) so i was a little tired that morning. 

the night before, i felt that it was absolutely necessary to purchase her first set of mickey ears.  then, i found these miniture ears that can be used as a headband, hair clip or key chain.  i love multi-purpose items!  i wanted to get her name embroidered...but alas, they were too small.  so instead, i will stitch her name and then, i'm going to use them as christmas ornaments.  like i said people, i love multi-purpose items. 

oh splash mountain.  how we love thee.

we weren't originally planning on going to i feel very out of place without my disney attire.  (i'm still a little distraught over it.) otherwise i would have purchased the baby a shirt earlier.

 luckily, hannah had an extra shirt for the husband and the baby had a polka dot outfit i had packed.

so, you may notice that the husband and i are wearing matching glasses.  well, that's because they are the same glasses.  i've always wanted glasses, but it seemed silly to buy some without a prescription.  luckily, hannah had some glasses which she has never worn.  so she popped out the lenses and i was good to go! because, that's not a silly solution right?

as we were driving to disneyland that morning i was wearing my new found glasses and the husband requested to wear them (what?!? who are you and what have you done with my husband?!)  he wore them around most of the day and looks quite smashing i should say.

i had never planned on taking such a little baby to disneyland, mainly because, well, i am selfish.  i didn't want to sit around while everyone else was out riding roller coasters.  well, come to find out, it's really not as bad as i thought.  because i got to hand out with my super cute baby in the happiest place on earth!


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