Oct 4, 2012

my first week home

i'll admit, the first night we slept at the house, i was a little frantic.  sure, i have lots to do, things to clean, items to put in my house, grow a baby...ya know, little stuff like that.  (slight pity party going on, *sniff, sniff)
i usually love change and sponateousness, but this might put the harm over the top.

posterity, this is for you.  i write our major changes, in the year of 2012. (little side note, i keep typing 2010 instead of 2012, must have been a good year.)

i got a job promotion
found out we were pregnant again
we were still pregnant, let the excitement begin
found out that we would be adopting, much more added excitement
i don't even remember what went on during this time, but they were good times, rest assured
been married 7 years now
continually getting larger in the stomach area
bought a house
immediately started remodeling, moving, redoing, packing
found out we weren't adopting
moved into the house
had 4 baby showers (a completely new experience being on the receiving end. so grateful)
last day of my professional career (until who knows when)
still unpacking
went to our new church
remodeling as we go
sleeping in
taking naps
eating breakfast on the porch with the kona
it just keeps getting better.

i really was freaking out for unnecessary reasons, because so far, it's not as bad as i feared.  

it's not bad at all. 

today, the kona and i had tea on the porch (don't worry, it is herbal)
love my teaposy.  
i got from the foundary

 looks lovely with the thrifted knitted scarf and trolley don't you think?

had our first neighborly visit along with delicious banana bread.  perfect with morning tea.  hopefully, she didn't notice, i hadn't showered...or put on a bra for the day, also seems to be a perk of staying home.

the rug is also thrifted, but the kona seems not to care that it wasn't for her

so 2012, it's been a crazy year
we only have 3 months of you left
by the end, we will have our little baby and the year of the dragon will be over

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