Jul 22, 2012

28 week baby bump

there may be a few pictures...hope you don't mind
my cousin offered to take some prego photos...
i absolutely love them!


outfit: dress from target (first actual maternity clothing purchase)
cardigan from japanese thrift shop
hats: ross/tjmaxx throughout the years
fingernail polish: walmart's cool mint
jewelry: disneyland/in-laws/auntie mitsie
blanket: ummm yard sale $2.00!!!!

note: i am not a very photogenic person...i'll have to post some winners from my past years, so it was sssssssssooooooo fun to see these turn out the way i was hoping!

thanks kacey!  
it was super fun, even if i am awkward


  1. These are the cutest ever!!! I love them!

  2. You look fabulous! These turned out gorgeous!

  3. I love these pictures! You look amazing and that bump is making me SO excited for the babe to get here!!!
