Mar 15, 2012

Something I forgot made me so happy.

I've been in a funk for the last couple weeks. 
Ya know what I mean.

I've recently moved from a giant front office window to a cubicle to another office with a window that's long and wide. 
I've had this paper weight crystal for years just waiting.

Why even mention this?  
Because I had forgotten how much I love Rainbows.
My friends, crystals make rainbows and lots of them.
At a certain time every morning the crystal will be in just the right position to make hundreds of crystals.  They bounce to and fro.  Sometimes I'll spin the crystal and then I'm in a whirling vortex of crystals.  Making me forget my sad little self.
It's wonderful. 

Hope you found your Rainbow today. 


1 comment:

  1. I love rainbows too. There is a cool song by my favorite band (Koo Koo) called: "Awesome Rainbows!". I kid you not. You should listen to it. It will make your day super happy. :-)
