Sep 8, 2011

The one and only Kona.

The first day we got The Kona.

She was only 5 weeks. So cute and sweet.

Couple months later.

Cesar Milan would be so disappointed to see this.

Nobody really cared for The Kona.  
Including me.  I didn't really like her. Until she got out of her puppy stage.  2 Years later.
She looked cute...

Kona only chewed one of my shoes and that was the last one. 
After that, it was all about the plunger handle.

Kona always got in messes in the neighbors.
This is around 2 years.

She's never been one for personal space.

And she's a pleasantly plump lap dog.

Always included. Around 3 years.

Kona is a democrat as well.

4 years.

Fatty Kona...I almost died when we saw this. 

1 comment:

  1. I love Kona! I need to see her and you guys soon! Love ya!
