Aug 27, 2011

Care Bear Stare, Part II

So we decided, that hey, we are already at the Grand Tetons, lets drive up to Yellowstone, on Sturgis weekend, without any reservations.  
Another thing we can add to our we've-been-married-6-years-so-we-are-awesome-list.
But luckily, we got up there, they had absolutely no rooms available until but wait!
someone just cancelled, we'll give you this room for $135 instead of $175.
Because it was SUCH a STEAL. 
And we each had our own bed.

We were lucky, but I was irritated they wouldn't even let me keep the bear at that awesome rate. 
but I did get to keep this one.  Awww. 

While I was trying to contain my excitement that I could keep this little bear, I accidentally dropped him and smashed his nose and ear. (I really was excited)

Saw this guy, but still no deer. 
I figured it out though, because it was Sturgis weekend, which apparently is a giant motorcycle weekend with lots of hair and Harley's, I do believe they scared every buffalo and deer away.
Because I never even saw a bison.  
This was Yellowstone right?

Apparently, Old Faithful is getting a little slow with her age.
Now erupting every ninety some odd minutes, we had to wait for quite a while.

I kind of wish I had a polaroid (hint Hint) so I could have taken a picture in exactly the same spot from when we were kids.

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