Aug 30, 2011
Aug 28, 2011
Aug 27, 2011
Care Bear Stare, Part II
So we decided, that hey, we are already at the Grand Tetons, lets drive up to Yellowstone, on Sturgis weekend, without any reservations.
Another thing we can add to our we've-been-married-6-years-so-we-are-awesome-list.
But luckily, we got up there, they had absolutely no rooms available until but wait!
someone just cancelled, we'll give you this room for $135 instead of $175.
Because it was SUCH a STEAL.
And we each had our own bed.
We were lucky, but I was irritated they wouldn't even let me keep the bear at that awesome rate.
but I did get to keep this one. Awww.
While I was trying to contain my excitement that I could keep this little bear, I accidentally dropped him and smashed his nose and ear. (I really was excited)
Saw this guy, but still no deer.
I figured it out though, because it was Sturgis weekend, which apparently is a giant motorcycle weekend with lots of hair and Harley's, I do believe they scared every buffalo and deer away.
Because I never even saw a bison.
This was Yellowstone right?
Apparently, Old Faithful is getting a little slow with her age.
Now erupting every ninety some odd minutes, we had to wait for quite a while.
I kind of wish I had a polaroid (hint Hint) so I could have taken a picture in exactly the same spot from when we were kids.
Aug 26, 2011
Yes, we are still in the Grand Tetons.
And yes, that Black speck in the dead center, was a black bear.
Still no deer though.
I was all covered up, you see, mosquitos love me, and I hate them with all my undying love.
But it's official, I'm now a tree hugger.
And, well I couldn't resist. There is a hilarious story behind this.
Get it, behind.
Yes, I am laughing while I write this.
ps. I'm trying to add "bear" to my label list and for some reason every time I write "bear" it keeps auto correcting to "care bear"
my posts apparently are so sporadic that one time I wrote about care bears.
Care Bear STARE!
Aug 25, 2011
On the road again. So we've been to Lava Hot Springs, Jackson Hole, now...
Grand Tetons. No, the the picture above, that's the "on the road again" photo.
Derek took some lovely pictures. I think this is Jenny Lake.
They were beautiful.
Can you see both of them?
We actually saw a bear and cub!
We didn't see a single deer mind you, but bears, yes we did.
And we found a moose.
We usually have to stop at the Visitor Centers everywhere we go.
My mom did it and so will I.
I get a new Christmas ornament every new place.
So then, I don't buy, as my Derek puts it "Junk."
So we both win.
You see, this is what you learn when you have been married 6 years.
Aug 23, 2011
Aug 22, 2011
Aug 19, 2011
Dear owner-of-cat-that-may-be-dead-soon,
The Kona does not appreciate being taunted by your cat. You see, it's not cool that it sits on the window ledge right in front of The Kona's main window. Nope. It's also not cool that your cat sits in front of our mailbox either. Oh, and The Kona does not like being able to see the cat from the basement window in the window well.
Maybe it's just a strange strange love. Either way, next time dear owner-of-cat-that-may-be-dead-soon, next time, I will let the Kona out.
All my love,
Aug 16, 2011
Just so you know, I have always, always wanted to do these photos.
Maybe 6 is a lucky number, maybe that's why the Husband gave in. Either way. It was pretty much my favorite thing about Jackson Hole. We were wondering around trying to decide what to do, we just kind of drove up on a whim. I saw a picture in one of the shops, pointed to it and could think of nothing else.
To get dressed is quite an ordeal. First, they shove you towards a closet and "Have your boyfriend (Husband) pick out something' real nice for you, he'll choose real good." Second, they put you in a cereal box sized "dressing room" with a curtain. Then hand you, ahem, severely padded bras, which I assure you, I don't need padded bras. Then rip open the curtain to tie up your corset in front of a family who is luckily already dressed. Next, the Husband. He's been able to hide out for a minute, until the Armenian girl gets to him. She throws some clothes at him then puts on some chaps and ties them real tight, showing off his manly figure. Then top it off with a hat and multiple guns.
I mean really, they are fast and brutal. I started covering up my padded bras with my boa, but the photographer say "oh no darlin, you're covering up the good stuff." Then he hikes up my skirt, pull up the garder and places the cards there.
You know, I should have felt pretty violated, but for some reason, it didn't phase me.
Maybe because as soon as you are done, they immediately have you start stripping off your accessories, untie your corset (in front of yet another cute little family getting a western photo done in the Rockies instead of the Saloon.) and untie your skirt, while I am trying to keep everything together before entering into my cereal box dressing room. All in a days work, except they probably do it 20 times a day.
Either way, it was totally worth it to get this picture right?
Yes, it was.
And in case you are wondering about the lady in the background, I assure you, she was also probably wearing a severely padded bra. I could be wrong.
Aug 15, 2011
Anniversary Extraordinair El Numero 6
Went up for a little road trip.
Started out at Lava Hot Springs.
Which was loverly.
We didn't really have much planned, stayed at the Alpaca Inn.
Which was super cool.
Plus I got to buy some Alpaca Wool.
Now all I need is a Alpaca or too, the fur is so soft.
Maybe next year I'll get the Husband to buy me some.
But I'll probably have to learn how to spin the wool.
Breakfast here
With him. Of course.
Then off again.
To here.
Stay tuned for spectacular photos coming soon.
I have waited many years to take photos like these. . .
Aug 13, 2011
Seamtress with stress on the seam
Steph and I usually have to go to DownEast Outfitters in Cedar.
It's crazy, I know, why shop in a little town?
I dunno, perhaps because they have awesome deals and killer finds.
But this time, there were some cute, too expensive tanks.
I kept telling Steph, we can do this.
so we did.
Tanks $4.00
Material...I don't know, Grammy passed it to me.
So...eat that DownEast Outfitters.
Aug 12, 2011
Harmony as a photographer, with Mrs. Stephanie Shaheen as assistant presents:
Now, on my day as photographer, i made my client do lots of awkward things. Like crawl up the side of the hill in some ivy, then lay down with all the spiders, and then they didn't turn out. So ya know.
Live and learn. But I thought some of these turned out super cute.
Like Caleb here, it's his first sister after two brothers.
Now that I am a professional, i am now taking customers.