Jun 16, 2011

Green Smoothie Kitchen

I've been reading a lot of whole foods/natural/raw cooking books.
Which results in many new recipes and suffering for my family.
I had gone to class by The Green Smoothie Girl
Robyn is a sassy, slim lady trying to spread the word about her smoothies.
After we got our free t-shirt from class, I was sold. 
so of COURSE i'm going to try out her book, buy an expensive blender and make everyone suffer by eating green smoothies. 

And make poopy messes with my blender.
For some reason, i don't think the Comet is such a good thing to have in the open next to all my food...but apparently it was a sign that something was going to happen. 


  1. OH my gosh! That is funny. Did you forget to put the lid on when you started it??

  2. Yep! Looks like POOP! Not ure how you can drink that stuff:)
