Apr 21, 2011

Late Birthday Shopping and perhaps the longest story of shoes ever.

My dad came into town last weekend.
He offered money for Derek and my birthdays...sounds good to me right?
Then he proceeds to put the parameters of the amount, it should be spent while he was in town and that it should be electronic, and preferably an iPad, or a TV, Nook, Kindle, Apple Something....
basically all the things on Derek's want list.  I'd suggested a pair of black boots, which was quickly kicked off the list.

Luckily, after much debate, and a couple days, we went shopping...at the stores I like.

And Derek decided on saving his money for a iPhone 5 update...which also created much debate.

You guys, I had so much trouble...I <3 to shop...but under pressure
is pretty tough.

We went to DownEast Outfitters, because they have all these name brand clothes for much cheaper than I could and would ever purchase them otherwise.  For some reason they also have a furniture section...also name brand items for marked down. Which luckily, they had a couple couches so Derek and my dad could get comfortable.  I told them it could be a while. . . 

1.5 Hours later and potty run later.

I finally had found the 3 items, some lovely Jackie Dresses and a wool sweater.  I have issues with summer clothing. . . they are my least favorite. I <3 to layer and in the summer you cannot layer. Ugh.

My total did not make it to my dads parameters...and usually he does not like shopping but he said we would have to go somewhere else to finish out my tab.

We then proceeded to go to a place with many shoes. Which I happen to <3.  For the next 30 minutes I wandered every row, every clearance rack...and still nothing. 
Pressure makes it tough.
and then, I found them. 

It was like a shining light.
Ever see the sparkly eyes on Japanamation? 
Harmony had them. 

I have not been this excited about shoes in many moons...one should probably not love shoes like this...let me tell you...I <3 them. they were even Big Buddha brand...sparkly eyes, buddha...hapa not to be confused with happy girl, it was a perfect fit.
I still hadn't made it to my birthday amount limit...luckily, I had been eyeballing another pair...which did not create quite as large sparkle eyes, but nonetheless, I was complete.

Thanks Daddy!
 heart you.  FC

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