Jan 2, 2011

Modern Blog- Synonym for New Blog

Christmas and New Year's went like this...

Quality time at CAL Ranch in Cedar.  Found me a new coat.


Made my Gingerbread House.  Carol takes Milk cartons from the school to use as a base.  

Santa brought three new games.
Pandemic, Nuns on the Run and Bonanza. 
<3 them

No, this is not Santa, this is my big little brother.
*Note, we do not endorse the U of any sport team in general.

Little of this.  Had to leave her home.

Tried to go to the Old Spagetti Factory.
1.5 hours later and 3 groups of 12 sitting before us, so we left.

They do have some cool furniture in there though.

Jan can't resist spooning the Kona like the rest of us.  


  1. I love the Old Spagetti Factory too! I would have to agree that sometimes the wait is a little long. We went a couple weeks ago and had to wait an hour. I love the coat and hope you purchased it!
