Oct 10, 2010

Ishpeming and cows.

There were suppose to be three cows, I could only find the two.
Maybe the window covering were counted as a third?

Cows, cows cows! I guess being the cheesehead state would make sense.

First ski jump in USA supposedly. 
Elevation 700 (as opposed to Utah's thousands)

This is for you Gena.
Gena asked if there was anything not weird in Wisconsin and Michigan.  This is to answer her question. Because the weird is awesome, but this was breathtaking.

We took a side road on the way up to the ski jump and found this!
The colors were Amazing.  I love how it reflects off the water.

Top of the ski jump.  Now, I'm not afriad of heights, really, I'm not, but I was wearing some boots with a slight hill, and going up these giant wooden steps is not to be taken lightly.  I've fallen down many a stairs wearing heels. Not my favorite past time.

This is included in the breathtaking comment. heheh.

You couldn't ask for a more beautiful day.

Gingerly walking town the creaky steps with the barely on hand railing, shaking the whole time.

1 comment:

  1. ishpeming is not in the cheesehead state..that is wisconsin..ishpeming is in michigan..sorry.
