May 28, 2010


Hearse VS Carmaro 
aka : Slow VS. Fast
aka: Buella VS Bathsheba
Derek planned a Pinewood Derby for Adults....Brilliant.

Look at those beauties.  Mine came in "dead last"  Get it. .. .Hearse. . .dead. . . Buahaha. 
The end. 


There were even some vintage cards present. 

The winners.  They REALLY wanted their photos.  You'll have to click on the picture to see the one on the left.  It gave the other two a run for their money.  It was called "The Bolt Car"

 Look at that Hood Ornament. . .it's a beauty, I put glitter, rhinestones and an old earring for the hood. It was really fun.  Derek spend much time on his.  His took about a week of sanding, gluing, cutting, sanding, sanding and oh sanding.  It turned out pretty cool though.  His was a centerpiece for sure, everybody was wondering how his came out so wide.  Derek wanted to redeem himself.  

Apparently, he won the Scout Award as a child that was "Had least help from Parents Award."


Derby's have come a long way.  This guy was serious with a projector, this cool Finish.  You should have seen these grown men.  They loved every minute and you better believe there was Smack Talk. There were even a couple of other wives. . . if only we could have won, it would have put those men in their place. . .


  1. Hearse VS Camaro... the Camaro has to win everytime. The Hearse came in "dead last"... now thats funny.
    Great job Derek, adult pinewood derby races are a lot of fun. I still race those little wooden cars. Some of us just never grow up:). Keep up the good work!

  2. Maybe you could lend us a hand next year. Scout time is coming.
