Mar 12, 2010

What's better than Disney on Ice?

Wait for it

No, I don't know why it's called "Worlds of Fantasy" and why Lighting McQueen is in it.

Terrance on Ice!!!!
Who is Terrance?  Hannah and I were wondering the same thing.  
We've come to the conclusion that it's Tinkerbell's Boyfriend, Fairy Boyfriend

Yes, we really did go. And yes, it really was way cool, except for the Tinkerbell part...but little Laney thought otherwise. She was very concerned that she hadn't seen Tinkerbell yet and the show was over. Kim then explained that is was just Half Time (Intermission is not yet part of her vocabulary) 

I thought this scene was really cool.  The Lion King choreography was way neat.  Except for the part where Mufasa died.  Little Laney asked question after question about why Simba's dad was dead and why was he in heaven and why why why.  I thought it really was a pretty depressing scene, and could feel the hush through the entire audience, but that was where all the best choreography happened. 

The CARS scene was pretty neat.  The cars really drove on the ice and well the choreography was just like the church parking lots when some good snow has fallen, ya know, the 8 shape and the donuts. 
Circles Basically.  But cool nonetheless.

Here at the Hesley household, we know Disney songs.  We basically are DISNEY.  We have all the disney collection cds and know pretty much all the songs.  "Under the Sea" happens to be one of my favorite songs.   I was totally singing the seagull part, the "Waaaaaa waaaaa WAAAAA." 

But I am afraid, I have to draw the line on this Tinkerbell Show.  I will not be learning the soundtrack.  Plus there was this GIANT Fairy Lady that floating around with a harness.  It reminded me of a Harpy. But I will admit, this scene is pretty cool looking. 

Disney on Ice.  That's right.  Tickets starting at $13.00


  1. So fun! Looks like a blast! You guys always lead an exciting life!

  2. How FUN! I'm jealous! We thought about going with Grayson, but Steve decided not to :P party pooper! Steve and I went to Disney on Ice when we were very first married, and I LOVED it! I wanna go again :) Oo -- and Under The Sea is my favorite, too -- we sang it in Chamber Choir in high school -- and I got to sing the seagull part, too! Haha!
