Jul 19, 2008

Here Ye, Here Ye, OKA FAMILY Descendants!!!!

The day of Slip 'n' Sliding is almost upon us! We invite you, our fellow sliders to join us on Thursday, the 24th day of the month of July, in the 2008th year of Our Lord!!!
Set up begins at 3:30 pm, with grub and chilled apple ale at 5:30 pm. Slip 'N' Sliding by the light of Tiki Torches will follow. WII festivities aided by a largish sheet and projectorer, Guitar Hero tournament as judged by the Honorable Gram Oka. Fireworks to be Overseen by Sir Hal C Torman.

Comment to recieve your assignment for this great day.

Lady Harmony & Hannah of the Great Hesley Clan Below the Hill.


  1. YAY For slip'n'slide!!!! I'm guessing my assignment is the big screen and projector????

  2. What do you need us to bring? Are having a crab boil?

  3. I'm working that night 9pm-5am, butI can come for the early stuff -- and Steve & Grayson will come! What can we bring?

  4. Sounds like fun! Can we come? Just fooling! We will be up at the cabin this weekend so don't feel too bad for us! Anywho, have a great 24th!
