May 30, 2008

New Website Launched

Hey, just wanted everyone to go check out the new website that we have been developing at work. It was featured on the today show this week, and it's getting a lot of publicity. We've been working on it for the past couple of months.

The site went live this week. The address is
We're pretty excited to get a high profile website under our belts, and we're hoping that it will help us to attract more clients. We've had a lot of involvement with celebs and the media on this project, so it's kind of a big deal for us.

While you're there, feel free to donate or get involved!


  1. congrats! that's really cool. it looks good

  2. Hey looser! Looks like your new website is famous! Anywho, we have a blog just in case you were wondering.
    See you guys in July! Oh yeah... I am glad that you are keeping Kona all buckled up! That was pretty hilarious!
