Jan 2, 2009

Christmas Catch-Up

So, over Christmas break, Carol distributed all the siblings childhood pictures from Grandma Palmer's. It was fun to look at all the siblings and hear stories about their childhoods. And look at my husband! He was adorable (and still is)!

It was fun hanging out with everyone over Christmas, we got to see Thayne and Brit's boy Corbin, and he is such a sweetheart, he loved Daisy and just laughed at her constantly. We played lots of Settlers of Catan, cards, went shopping. It was nice to relax for a while.

Derek got an Ipod Touch for his present, and later told me that I sold my husband for an iPod. He's wanted an Iphone for forever...but didn't want to pay for a plan. Then a couple of months ago he was telling me that you can use Skype (internet free phone) on the Itouch (as long as you have Wi-Fi) It was perfect! We got the fam to pitch in for his present, and now that's all he does....really.

I even screwed up, I was sneaky and bought the Itouch with my mom's credit card and then I was charging the Itouch the day before christmas and I registered it online, and for some reason put his e-mail and name with everything so the next day Derek got an e-mail telling him congratualtions on registering his New iTouch....Oooops. Luckily, it was very close to Christmas so I didn't completely ruin the suprise.

New Year's we had a party with some friends. The Millers, Holmans, Dan Perez, Jessica, Alicia & Emily, my siblings and their friends. Derek & Hannah set up Rock Band and played it for HOURS! We played Bang (a mafia sort of game, VERY FUN) and Settler's of course. It's been fun!

Jan and Jackie got engaged a couple of days ago! We're very excited for them! Jan leaves in a couple of days, but hopes to be back in the states soon.

Hope you all had a jolly day!

1 comment:

  1. YAHOO for Christmas break! Too bad it is back to life tomorrow :(
