Jan 27, 2017
Kitchen Tear Out
While #thehousemadeofwallpaper was a big job, it wasn't really a tough job. That may sound weird to say, but we really didn't have to do any engineering, big framing jobs, move walls, or too much of actual ripping out. The only thing we really ripped out was the kitchen cabinets and a wall. We had to do just a tiny bit of framing to support the wall and close in the old fireplace, but I feel like that was pretty minimal.
I'm not sure why, but we always forget to take before. But here you can see there was a doorway into the small kitchen. We knew when we walked through the house that we would be ripping out the wall in between to make a good size kitchen that was open to the dining area.
For some reason, in the kitchen, there was acoustical ceiling tile, that had been glued in with liquid nails or something crazy! The glue DID not come out. I remember scraping multiple knuckles trying to rip it off.
To the left of my sister you can see where there was a doorway into the back room. The husband argued long and hard about keeping that doorway, but ultimately, we decided to frame it in so we could have more cabinet space. He was distraught. He was convinced his life would have been so much easier if he could walk to the fridge faster. Also, there was a laundry shoot just between Hali and the doorway. It was weird.
The photos are out of order, but you can see how it used to look. The cabinets were made piece by piece. We were hoping to be able to sell the cabinets or use them as garage storage, but they weren't easy to take apart as a whole.
This is where the fridge was placed. We ripped it out and all the cabinetry and arches to put a desk. Looking back, I wish we would have made a hidden pantry or something.
Before and After
Yup, it's even more wallpaper. This time only one layer, but it was extremely sticky and hard to get off. The wallpaper was more plastic like.
Living room view of the fake fireplace. The couple before us even had a fake log with cellophane and a light. But sometime ago they took out the chimney vent and placed and AC vent int here instead.
This is the kitchen view of the fireplace. The husband framed it all in (with help from his BIL and nephew). We placed our fridge and cabinets here.
I'm not sure why we are measuring, probably just to see what size cabinets we could get here. But the wall was pretty torn up from wallpaper and cabinet removal. Luckily, we were able to cover it easily with subway tile.
Here everything is ripped out and we are almost ready to take out the carpet.