Dec 27, 2016

Plank Ceiling

Remember that acoustical tile? Well, as we tried to come up with a clever way to remove the glue spots, we couldn't. So we decided just to cover it. We used some cheap plank tongue and groove material and covered it right up!

The husband got everything prepped and straight so we could just nail it in.

After we got done, the sheetrock guys were like, or we could have just mudding over that and smoothed it out. (I think I would have liked that better in hind sight, but this was a cheap and easy fix.)

Hmmm, this must have been sometime in November of 2016, because I'm making my husband put up Christmas lights. (this is very important to me.)

All done!

Nov 7, 2016

The Realities of Remodeling

We've made a lot of progress over the past couple months. I'm just barely getting everything organized as far as progress in pictures. I thought you might want to see what remodeling is really about before we begin the fun stuff.

When you are remodeling, you find weird photos like this on your husband's phone...all the time. Or you find photos of Lowe's bar codes.

We didn't have money in the budget to really redo the it's become an indoor storage shed. This is on a clean day too. We actually still bathe the kids (since it's the only tub in the house) with everything all around. They don't seem to mind crawling around everything.

This is our basement kitchen/living room. Our bedrooms are even worse. Each room is filled to the brink of all our life possessions. Our 1 car garage is floor to ceiling of stuff. We have a pathway through that keeps getting smaller and smaller by day.

Oct 21, 2016

Fetus # 3

 I almost felt like we would never make it to even the halfway point. Technically, since I always go over 2 weeks, I'm not half way yet. But being able to see our little baby sister on the screen did make feel a lot better. It's nice to know that there really is a baby in there.

 I kind of thought taking the kids with us to see the ultrasound would be a good idea...but lets face it, it wasn't this magical moment I thought it would be for them.