Nov 29, 2013


Aiko, Aiko.  This kid is the only reason my family shows up anymore.  It used to be for the Kona, but now, it's that baby. 

Aiko has even been making friends.  Little Jade is quite a bit younger, but just Aiko's size.  Don't worry, Aiko's wearing 6 month clothing quite well now. 

Nov 27, 2013

Sunday fun.

What do you guys do for Sunday Afternoons?

Guns have been a large topic of our lives for a while. 

Jan and YouTube were teaching Hannah and the Husband how to take a part and clean guns.  

Aiko gave us a little number.

Oh, the family fun. 

Nov 24, 2013


The husband has been dying to go shoot his guns he inherited.  So has all my siblings.  Hannah was kind of mad she couldn't come and Hali...well, she's still in Russia, but only for a few more weeks. 

I'll admit, I have very weak arms and terrible posture while shooting guns.  I don't know what you are suppose to look like, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it. 

The husband on the other hand looks quite rugged. 

Luckily, our new car is fit for an auntie and baby.  The kona was quite sad they took over her spot in the car. 

Uncle Scott and Jeanne came to make sure we weren't lost.  They found us.  These two pictures are awesome.  Auntie Jeanne got out her chair, only to have Uncle Scott sit in it, thinking his wife was just being generous.  She wasn't.

Uncle Jan showing us how it's done.  It was kind of freaky though, there was a guy just up the hill who was practicing all sorts of weird gun moves, while his lady friend was taping it. Luckily, Jan is a trained Army man.  We were safe. 

Oh, family of mine. Uncle Kenny also left us a ton of different shooting glasses. 

Aiko didn't seem to mind the guns, because these didn't stay on the whole time very well.

Uncle Kenny, thanks.  

Nov 23, 2013

Hair is worth it.

One of my girlfriends has long, luscious, amazon like hair.  It's super thick and dark and she makes it look amazing.  Apparently, she uses these curlformers to get her beautiful curls.  She puts all these curlers in wet and then allows it to air dry for 4 hours.  Mine took about I blow dried it with my impatience.   I don't think it was still quite dry, because some were kind of limp.  But I didn't put any hair product in my hair.

Day 1.  
I think it worked quite well.

Day 2.  
I did have to touch them up a little.  Like 5 minutes worth.  It actually curled and stayed all day and all night. 

Day 3.
was more wavy.  (I didn't really get dressed and do anything that day, soooo.)  All in all, I believe it worked well.  I'm actually going to be purchasing some here and some hair product to help the curls a little.  I really like how its not damaging to the hair and make the big beach curls! 

Side note:  Hannah actually tried these with out her hair being wet and it worked pretty well after and hour. 

Ladies night with a little glimmer.

One day, I'll learn how to take proper photos, with great lighting, flashes and all that.  But for now, these will work!  We had ladies give us lessons on how to do great curls that stay, how eyeshadow should be applied, how to do braids, plus we ate some delicious grub. 

We only got a few people in photos.  By the time we got done chatting it was time for most to leave. 

It's grew to have girlfriends who act crazy...helps set the mood! 

You better believe we pulled out a box fan.

One hot mama of four!

Made some new friends too!

What's a photo shoot without a heart?

Love these ladies.

Nov 21, 2013


I'm afraid that this is quite possibly the best way I've ever received a photo cd.  Ever. 

Lovely packaging, lovely lady, lovely cd cover and some lovely home grown eggs!  I've never had a true organic home grown egg, so cool right?

You know how hard it is to get pictures of this kid?  She's always moving now, look at her little pose.

I originally thought to myself, "contain your motherly urges to post all of her photos."  Almost 25 pictures later we finally stopped.  I had some picked out and then I made the mistake of looking back and adding more and more.  Just so you know.  There were 75, I somewhat contained myself.

My friend Stephanie from Auburn Soul Photography took these gems.  (She's local friends.)  She's does natural lighting photography...and luckily, we bought a house with some great windows!

Sometimes, I get sad thinking about her toothless grin being filled with teeth.