Jul 31, 2011

Pretty weed.

Using Derek's iphone. 
I'd like it even more if I wasn't so deathly allergic to it. 
Yeah, it's a love hate thing. 

Jul 29, 2011

With all the crafting my grandma had done throughout the years

I was hoping she would have some glass eyes, so I wouldn't have to do this...

Just to get this. 

But the Kona still loved it. 

Future posts will include the eyes intact for another purpose. 

Jul 6, 2011

Where to begin

Well, just to let you know...nothing has really changed.
The blogging spirit has left me dry for a while.
We've just been soaking in the sun.
It's June and we haven't even been out in the kayaks...
what is this world coming too?

I'm not even feeling funny enough to write this.